If Bluetooth service is turned off on your tablet, you may experience errors such as your device not measuring drive time. Follow these steps to ensure your Bluetooth is turned on and properly set up.
From the opening screen, press the back arrow button at the bottom of the screen to go to the ELD Data Service screen.
Tap the three dots at the top right corner of the screen, and choose Unlock.
Enter the password "freeme" and tap Unlock. You will see a "device unlocked!" confirmation message.
Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap on the gear icon in the top right to get to the Settings page.
Tap on Bluetooth.
Tap the toggle in the left corner to turn Bluetooth service on.
The Bluetooth settings screen will now show available devices. Tap the back arrow button at the top left corner.
The Settings screen should now show Bluetooth connected for ELD Device Service.
Click on the back arrow button at the top left corner until you return to the screen with your apps. Click on the ELD Data Service app to return to your ELD service.