A driver's home terminal is the terminal from which the driver is dispatched and to which the driver returns with the most frequency. The home terminal also determines the time zone for which the driver's available hours will be calculated. It can also be used to control what records a non-driver user is permitted to access, and to filter the records presented on certain pages and reports.
Points to remember when adding or importing home terminals:
You must add home terminals before adding or importing drivers (because every driver must be associated with a home terminal). If all drivers in your organization are based in a single location, create a single home terminal to which all drivers will be assigned.
The home terminal name and address will be shown on every record of duty status. Home terminal phone number is not shown on the driver log.
The home terminal name will be visible in the Group Filter list for any user who has access to that particular terminal (or access to all terminals).
To set up home terminals:
Click Admin in the menu bar, then click Home Terminals.
Click on New.
Name your home terminal, enter the time zone, and enter the address (including city, state/province, and zip/postal code). If the home terminal is not under Daylight Savings Time, you can uncheck that field.
Phone number is an optional field.
Click Save.
You will return to the Home Terminals page and can review all other terminals that have been set up.